We are sad to announce the death of Dr. Silvano Adami, our good friend and member of the GLOW Scientific Advisory Board.
Silvano was an internationally recognized expert in osteoporosis patient care, research and education.
The Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW) (2005-2014) was a prospective cohort study of physician practices in the provision of prophylaxis and treatment against osteoporotic fractures. The goal of this research was to improve understanding of the risk and prevention of osteoporosis-related fractures among female residents of 10 countries who were 55 years of age and older. GLOW enrolled over 60,000 women through over 700 physicians in 10 countries, and conducted annual follow-up for up to 5 years through annual patient questionnaires.
Recent Publications
Quick Links
- Countries: 10
- Regional Sites: 17
- Physicians Enrolled: 723
- Women Enrolled: 60,393
- Manuscripts Published:
- Abstracts Published: 61