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Non STE-ACS: In-hospital Mortality

Risk Category
Risk Score
Probability of Death
In-hospital (%)
Low 1-108 <1
Intermediate 109-140 1-3
High 141-372 >3

Non STE-ACS: 6 Month Post-discharge Mortality

Risk Category
Risk Score
Probability of Death
Post-discharge to
6 Months (%)
Low 1-88 <3
Intermediate 89-118 3-8
High 119-263 >8

STE-ACS: In-hospital Mortality

Risk Category
Risk Score
Probability of Death
In-hospital (%)
Low 49-125 <2
Intermediate 126-154 2-5
High 155-319 >5

STE-ACS: 6 Month Post-discharge Mortality

Risk Category
Risk Score
Probability of Death
Post-discharge to
6 Months (%)
Low 27-99 <4.4
Intermediate 100-127 4.5-11
High 128-263 >11
GRACE is supported by a grant from Sanofi
For general questions and information: GRACE@umassmed.edu • 508.856.0081
Copyright 1998-2025 Center for Outcomes Research, University of Massachusetts Medical School